What do you see # 62 – December 28th 2020


Please tag your responses with #WhatdoyouseeOr#WDYSDoes this picture inspire you to write something?Image credit; Rhaúl V. Alva @ Unsplash (

Cuddle pup with beady eyes, a cute chap,

Born the night before, by the gutter,

Now, cozy and snug in a warm wrap,

An orphan, not by design, in a flap,

Lonely and cold, all a flutter,

Cuddle pup with beady eyes, a cute chap,

Found by, good samaritan Santa, going yap, yap, yap,

In a daze, in the midst of dirty clutter,

Now, cozy and snug in a warm wrap,

On Christmas eve, Santa Claus around, a hap,

Delivering presents, enjoying the festive putter,

Cuddle pup with beady eyes, a cute chap,

Placed as gift, in a home, through the gap,

Sat by a decorated Christmas tree, reflecting merry luster,

Now, cozy and snug in a warm wrap,

Cynosure of all eyes, donned in Santa’s red stocking cap,

Destined a lap of cheer, a vagabond no more, softly, they mutter,

Cuddle pup with beady eyes, a cute chap,

Now, cozy and snug in a warm wrap.

11 thoughts on “What do you see # 62 – December 28th 2020

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